DAQVAH provide Eid Clothes and Mudu For The Less Privileged


By Fatima Bah

To provide clothing for the poor, the needy and vulnerable communities, is a project that falls under one of DAQVAH’s main areas of interventions, which is Muslim Aid. It’s for this reason that the DAQVAH Charity Foundation has been distributing clothes to the needy for the past six years.

On April 30th 2022, eid clothes and packs of rice (mudu) were distributed to over three hundred (300) vulnerables from four (4) villages which include Rokamah, Mabain, all in Maconteh Chiefdom and Portloko-Kambia Highway.

Alhaji Abdul Rahman Jalloh, DAQVAH CEO and Founder said, “The clothing distribution is a project that is implemented twice every year to support vulnerable families to have clothes to observe the two Eid (Eid-Ul-Fitr and Eid-Ul-Adha) prayers.” He added that the purpose of such distribution is to support the less privileged to look good and neat on Eid day.

Mariatu Conteh, one of the beneficiaries said, “This came as a surprise to me, as I was not expecting to have this clothes today, and I have been wondering how I will get clothes and hijab to observe the eid this year. Many times we have deliberately refused to go out for Eid prayers because we don’t have proper clothes to wear.”

Ya Bomposseh Turay, a Chief at Mabain who is also a beneficiary said, “One behalf of my community, we are very happy to receive the gift as we were not expecting this and I was also not having any clothes for the Eid.” She added that DAQVAH has always been supportive to Mabain community citing the school construction project that is currently on going. She prayed that Allah will continue to provide for the donors so that her community would be considered.

“I am extremely happy today and I thank the donors and DAQVAH for giving me this gift. Since my childhood no one has ever given me Eid clothes. May Allah reward you abundantly,” Mohamed Conteh said.

Duas were made by the beneficiaries for the donors and DAQVAH. The smile was evident in the faces of every beneficiary as each of them put on the clothes and danced with joy.


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