DAQVAH Ends a 2-Day Annual Staff Retreat 2022


Fatmata Bah

DAQVAH Charity Foundation has successfully ended a two-day Annual Staff Retreat, which was held at Javohey House, IMATT from the 10th – 11th December, 2022 with the Theme; “Maintaining Sustainable Growth”. The retreat hosted 12 team members composed of senior management and staff members .

Dr Ramadan Jalloh, the Board Chair took us through the Official Opening of the retreat. He spoke about how he is so amazed with the work of the foundation as it is something rewarding. “The Prophets (PBUT) were volunteers and weren’t on salaries, but they left legacies from which all of us are benefiting from and you’re emulating them,” he noted. He concluded by motivating staff to continue to engage in charity as it inserts happiness in the hearts of others and also cautioned staff to be sincere in whatever they do as on the day of reckoning they will be judged based on their intentions.

During the retreat, Unit heads gave updates on activities implemented for the whole year (Dec 2022 -November 2022), the successes or impacts created and the challenges encountered during implementation. Together as a team, way forward and next steps were analyzed and documented.

As a way to strategically plan for this fiscal year, the various units set objectives and activities to be implemented, highlighting timelines and person’s responsible. Key among the activities and projects planned are the Ramadan Feeding Project, Feed the Needy, completion of the DAQVAH Islamic Academy & the Well Project in Mabain, the School Pack Project, Mobile Heath Clinic and organizing the 8th DAQVAH Annual Fundraising Dinner.

As the foundation has upgraded its website, the CEO of One Deen Ltd, Mohamed Keita did a capacity building training with staff on the use of the website.

“I want to thank you all for helping me achieve this dream as without you guys the trust people have for the foundation would not have been possible because it would have been a one-man show. I am hopeful that if we continue to be committed towards achieving our various tasks, we will be able to raise enough funds and reach our targeted beneficiaries and beyond,” the CEO, Alhaji Abdul Rahman Jalloh on his closing statement.

The retreat ended with supplications and snapshots of team members.

Join DAQVAH Charity Foundation today with sincerity and create impact in the lives of the less privileged and earn your Jannah. Your reward awaits you!

©️ DAQVAH Charity Foundation
9 Main Bass Street, Brookfields

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